The Little Things….
I have wanted to combine photography and street art for some time… and when I heard about the Happy Project I thought it was a perfect time to get in and see if they would like to fund my idea!…
I have wanted to combine photography and street art for some time… and when I heard about the Happy Project I thought it was a perfect time to get in and see if they would like to fund my idea!…
This little film and story has taken me far longer to complete than I care to admit. However I’m believing that things come together at just the right time. 😉 Here is the story of Amy Gill – it’s one…
It has been ages since I did a bumper family portrait post. So I am excited to share this lovely little family with you! While I make and direct lots of films now, I am thrilled to say that we…
Last month many strange and wonderful things happened. One of these was THIS!!!! (More about that later!) Another one of these fortunate events was getting to meet the amazing woman behind Chookaloonks who I have known online for a…
A few months ago we were walking along the beach near our house with some friends of ours. Chatting about who knows what and enjoying the beautiful sea breeze. An ordinary day for someone who lives close to the beach….
Last week I had a lull between waiting for files and exporting and importing and a range of jobs at annoyingly slow stages… So I edited something I wanted to edit. IT was so fun!!!! With my job being…
Tomorrow Andrew and I will have been married for 15 years… To be honest when I walked down that aisle toward Andrew sooo many years ago I was a bit scared that I might be making an awful mistake. hahah!…
I wrote the post below for this recently… I thought I would share it here too. 😉 Nothing motivates me more to be the best version of myself then being a mother. When I became a mum I had…
So today I am the luckiest to share with you a photographer I met and got to work with in Brazil. Brazil is amazing. Seems like a lifetime ago that we were there, but boy was it wonderful. We…
You can’t get cuter then this sweet family. I have been photographing and filming these guys for a long time now. You can see some past shoots here and here.… 😉 I am lucky to be related to them….
Well after releasing the little iphone movie a few weeks ago I have been overwhelmed with delight at all the natural love hearts people are finding! If you want to see the Instagram collection search under #findinglove or check out…
When I work with a charity to create films and photos, I am never quite sure what will come my way. This is part of the reason it is so hard and so very rewarding! It really is amazing the…