Where on earth is Groote Eylandt?

When I work with a charity to create films and photos, I am never quite sure what will come my way. This is part of the reason it is so hard and so very rewarding! It really is amazing the experiences and people I get to meet on these trips. I think it helps me keep life in perspective.

I have previously worked with ALNF and when I did I had an amazing time. Being able to sit with the kids from these indigenous communities is a total honor. To also get to know some amazing women and be learning more about the indigenous culture of my own country is just a delight. I loved this latest trip so much. I had flights in light aircraft, fun being stuck in the rain, sleeping in school classrooms on gym mats, listening to beautiful indigenous women sing me stories from their lives and getting bogged in the sand.

You can see a few shots from my previous trip on the ALNF site.

The latest trip was to Groote Eylandt with the amazing women from ALNF. Mary-Ruth is the founder of the organization and boy is she an inspiring character! Working with her and Pam was amazing. Seeing people do what they are passionate about is one of my favorite thing to be around. Nothing is more inspiring to me to see someone doing what they were born to do.

More photos to come but for now here is some absolutely gorgeous little ones who made my day!

Australian numeracy and literacy foundation


A little film and more images to come! In the next few weeks.


Also VERY last minute but a dear friend and amazing photographer Rowe Timson and I are doing a mentoring long lunch on the 7th of June in Sydney. IF you are keen to come along we have 1 spot left!!!
What will we be doing…. CHATTING! Answering questions!!
This is not a workshop or a shoot…
This is a fun, relaxed and very intimate lunch to get you inspired about your business or photography! 2 of us. 5 of you! If you are interested please email me. hailey(at)youcantbeserious.com.au


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