A love that lasts

Tomorrow Andrew and I will have been married for 15 years…

To be honest when I walked down that aisle toward Andrew sooo many years ago I was a bit scared that I might be making an awful mistake. hahah! In fact to continue down the aisle I had to say to myself that ‘mistakes are ok to make’. (which I still think!)

However I was VERY lucky and instead, I have found that in this love we share, I have grown up and felt free to be fully myself. I wish this for everyone.

I have had a little project on my mind for a number of years and have stop-started it many times. With kids, work and travel and the balance of life/projects this one has been on hold for more time than I care to admit.

However I pushed through last week and finished this story.
I want to introduce you to a series I am working on about love.
This first one is from my dear friends Suse and Eric. They are some amazing people and whenever I am around them I feel totally inspired to look at life from a different angle. To push past the status quo and to really think. So I spent an afternoon with them to chat about that.

Let’s celebrate LOVE.


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