The Little Things….

I have wanted to combine photography and street art for some time… and when I heard about the Happy Project I thought it was a perfect time to get in and see if they would like to fund my idea!



The exciting thing is that I am NOW a finalist for the funding from the guys at The Happy Project. Which is super exciting!!

However also sort of daunting. I need shares… yes indeedy the world goes round on sharing… 😉 If you like this idea below and would like to help us get the funds to spread happiness, please consider sharing this with as many FB and twitter friends as you can! It all helps towards us getting the funds to make it all happen!

So, what is the idea?

Well it is all about “the little things”. These little things make life GREAT!

From warm ugg boots on cold mornings to the smell of jasmine flowers on your way to work… or maybe the way the weeds dance as your car drives by. All these little things and many more make life sweet.

We have a cool video and more details of our proposal over here. See what you think and if you like it please do spread the word… (once again, funding from the Happy project is mostly based on the shares we get!)

We are over the moon and so very grateful for all the kind support and shares we have already received!! Yahoo!!! ThankYOU all so much!! The most encouraging team ever! 😉

the-little-things-1 little-things-2(Please note: I am showing in the video and photos above my images but in the main project I intend to have contributions from around the world)


To share, simply go to the link above and click on the share buttons on your right! Thank you!! 😉

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