A series of fortunate events…

Last month many strange and wonderful things happened. One of these was THIS!!!!  (More about that later!)



Another one of these fortunate events was getting to meet the amazing woman behind Chookaloonks who I have known online for a longgg time… and thanks to the team from Go Mighty I got to meet her AND the absolutely amazing Maile Wilson.

To be honest I was way way more excited about getting to hang out with these amazing women than I was about being flown to Hamilton Island.

I had no real expectations actually. For some reason I thought it might even be a bit boring… Actually nowhere is very fun if you aren’t with amazing people… and because of Maile and Karen I had the best best fun! They had me in stitches the WHOLE time. Laughter is the best medicine and I needed a little giggle break so I am sooo grateful for these two comedians. 😉

But Hamilton Island!!! WOW!!! I am in love! I had no idea it was so amazing! I have been traveling the world only to find my favorite beach at home!!!! Here is where you want to be!  In two short days we snorkeled and soak in amazing views. We ate at amazing restaurants (for a tiny island they have lots!), and did a bit of adventuring too. The perfect mix of holiday and fun. I can’t wait to bring my little family back there sometime!



We got to stay at the so amazing Beach club, I awoke every morning to the most lovely of views that made getting up and out and about so very appealing!

On the last day Maile convinced me to go Para-sailing with her! It was so fun! I had never been but it was just the right mix of scary and hilarious  and I do believe that I may love it now!



Being with photographers is hilarious fun! Quick – go out and grab your favorite photographer friends and do a mini break. It will make you happy and it will make you inspired. It will remind you that we are all in the journey together and friends make life oh-so-so much better.





Big huge thanks to Tourism AustraliaAir New Zealand, and Go Mighty and also Hamilton Island for making this trip and these amazing memories possible.

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