I am a professional human being.


So today I am the luckiest to share with you a photographer I met and got to work with in Brazil.

Brazil is amazing. Seems like a lifetime ago that we were there, but boy was it wonderful.

We were speakers at the FHOX conference in April this year. It was an honor and a delight to go to another country and share our work. Leo, who runs the conference, is one of the nicest people we have met and his gorgeous wife Tamara made our stay amazing with their hospitality. 😉

I was so very inspired by the street art in Sao Paulo, you can barely go anywhere without seeing some amazing art. I left Brazil deciding that I would definitely be needing to create more myself! (If you follow my instagram feed you would have seen that Poppy and I have had a little play with some street art lately).

We were in Sao Paulo for just one week, but in that time we managed to meet and get hired by this gorgeous woman, Fernanda Petelinkar a talented photographer, to make her promo video.

The other thing about Fernanda that I have to mention is just how warm and real and humble she is. I was inspired by her and how hard she works.

Also I was totally delighted to meet Fernanda’s husband Rodolfo who when asked what he does for a living he replied… “I am a professional human being.”

It really struck me what a response this is. He did also end up telling me what he does, but to know that first and foremost he considers himself a human being… how inspiring. 😉

In my career and circles I can easily forget that I am more than what I DO… That my value and contribution to the world is not only through my work. In fact, I think it is actually more through who I am that I contribute to the world.

So I want to thank Fernanda with trusting me to make her promo film and for the lovely time we spent together.




Unless you speak Portuguese you won’t be able to understand everything Fernanda says in her video, but I hope you can enjoy the essence of her and her beautiful work.


Thank YOU Brazil!

P.S. We will be back in Brazil next year(2014) . Let us know if you would like to work with us and we will be sure to make sure we have time!

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