India, I love you!
It’s been an amazing few months for us! We’ve worked on some really interesting jobs and eaten far too much airline food! In March we had two development jobs in India and they were incredible to work on. But before…
It’s been an amazing few months for us! We’ve worked on some really interesting jobs and eaten far too much airline food! In March we had two development jobs in India and they were incredible to work on. But before…
The last six months have been full to the brim – largely due to a wonderful project I was hired to direct. ‘Uncovering the Brisbane Look‘ is a doco on fashion here in Brisbane. It has been more enjoyable…
I have wanted to combine photography and street art for some time… and when I heard about the Happy Project I thought it was a perfect time to get in and see if they would like to fund my idea!…
This little film and story has taken me far longer to complete than I care to admit. However I’m believing that things come together at just the right time. 😉 Here is the story of Amy Gill – it’s one…
What a year! It is quickly coming to an end and I have taken to scrolling over my IG account which I use like a diary. Looking through all the images made me realize just how amazing this year was….
A couple of months ago while online, I found some temporary tattoo’s in the ‘Day of the Dead’ style. Brilliant I thought, and quickly purchased 3 packs. Poppy was excited as I was and as soon as we were home…
It has been ages since I did a bumper family portrait post. So I am excited to share this lovely little family with you! While I make and direct lots of films now, I am thrilled to say that we…
A little while ago I got a message on FB from someone. Their questions had me thinking for a couple days. Here’s what they asked: — Hey Hailey, I know your time is valuable but please allow me a short…
Last month many strange and wonderful things happened. One of these was THIS!!!! (More about that later!) Another one of these fortunate events was getting to meet the amazing woman behind Chookaloonks who I have known online for a…
I am so very excited to announce that our ‘365 Gratefuls’ book is finally becoming available in Australia! As of the 23rd of October you should be able to head to your local bookstore and buy it! Yay! To celebrate,…
Something different today. A little story… So I was on assignment filming for an AID organisation. We had to take a tiny tiny plane from one island to the next – one of those planes that seats a maximum of five…
A few weeks ago I had not even heard about Go Mighty. It is a crazy cool site for helping people reach their life goals. Now because of the guys from Go Mighty, and their sponsors, I find myself here….