Fog and family photos…

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending a weekend filming with the beautiful Amy Gill. She is a super inspiring friend I have made through doing the 365 grateful project.

Amy and I could NOT stop chatting about all the deep and meaningful things in life. We talked so much our brains hurt!

While I was there I wanted to take some photos of Amy and her delightful little family. So one morning we decided to head to the park. When I woke up and saw the fog so thick that I could not see the steps outside my hotel door… I got a little worried.

We got to the park and discovered that yes, it was still VERY foggy!

I often find myself annoyed at these times. Wishing that the weather would please help me out and make my job easier! It is an easy trap for me, wishing for things to be other then they are.

However as it happens sometimes I don’t know what is good for me. 😉

We spent 2 hours playing around the park and taking photos. The fog did not clear one little bit! The following images are taken at the end of our play. Something about these shots I just love. I don’t think I have ever posted a blog post with just B&W photos. I love colour. I live for colour. However sometimes maybe it is good to be out of our comfort zone. Maybe it is good to be pushed to try something new. Maybe now I rather like fog and next time won’t be worried but wish for it!

Here are a couple favorite shots that feature the super clever and gorgeous Annabelle.

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