Web intro video for Pobke Photography

Can you believe we are nearly at Christmas?!?!?! How did this happen?

Quick I better post this video we shot in November!!

I have been doing a few of these web-intro videos and each time I make one I learn sooo much and meet amazing people. This time was no exception!

When I started thinking about what to do for Pobke Photography’s video I knew Christine HAD to be in it!! Christine is amazing with kids – my girls loved her in about 5 minutes!! She is totally delightful and fun. Even after 2 days of filming and sticky hot weather and 15 kids crowding around her she is smiling and patient!

Below are a few behind-the-scenes stills of the filming for this video. Including some shots of more super talented photographers turned clowns – Samm Blake and Dan O’Day Also a shot of my mini director – Poppy!!

Here is the video!! Hope you enjoy!

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