A very positive stocking filler!

And now for something completely different!

If you’ve looked at our film website recently, you might have seen a trailer for one of our short films – ‘Ruby Who?’ It’s about a little girl who wishes for everything, gets it, and then realises it doesn’t live up to it’s promise. It doesn’t make her happy.

Ruby Who? has been a very successful little film, screening around the world at dozens of film festivals and winning several awards. We started to cotton on to a new life for it though, when we were approached by a number of schools and groups who wanted to buy a copy of the film to show their pupils – especially primary-aged girls. The feedback was that it powerfully communicated the message of how important it is to know yourself, and be yourself. What you have and what you look like does not make you who you are. It was the message that originally inspired us to make the film – being a parent to two very observant girls we kept coming up against a need to explain how wishing to be like others, or have what other people have, can be a trap and will not make you happy.

So we decided to develop supporting materials, in consultation with childcare workers and teachers, that would help other parents and teachers who are trying to discuss the same topics with their kids. Which brings us to a new site we are launching called ‘I Like To Be Me!‘ Initially it is a way we can market the ‘Ruby Who’ DVD and all the associated products like worksheets, colouring in, badges, stickers, tee-shirts and a soon-to-be-completed illustrated kids book. But over time we will be adding more resources – films, articles, books and so on that will further help support parents and teachers in their bid to boost the self-esteem of little ones and provide a way to discuss sensitive topics like body-image, gratitude, positivity and the consumerist society.

We’d love it if you would take a moment to check out some of the material on the site, maybe buy a DVD or some of our cute badges for a special little person!

Let us know what you think!

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