Web intro video for Classic Kids Photography.

We have been so tied up fixing up our website we have neglected our blog!! Thanks for checking in and reading just the same. I promise to start back on a roll shortly!

Today I am so excited to show you the job I did while in Chicago.

I was hired by Classic Kids Photography to make them a little story/video for their website. This little film is going to be used on Facebook and online to show people more about this wonderful group of photographers. There are nine different studios around America so if you’re in the U.S be sure to check them out! They use film! It was so wonderful working with these guys and I could not have been looked after better. Hope you enjoy seeing a little of their beautiful work.

Without further ado, here is their video:

Also I must include a still shot of my new friend Tera and her gorgeous pup Oliver. Thanks for showing me your exciting town, I had a blast!

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