Coco the kitten
I love to photograph kids over a number of years. With this family I have had the pleasure of capturing special events and following their gorgeous kids as they grow.
Check out this families recent birthday party here.
Harriet below has long been my ‘muse’ a spirited little soul who makes me smile. She knows the photography drill big time! Often telling me, ‘enough photos!’ usually 10min into the shoot… however I did manage to strike a deal where she could take a couple of shots of ME if I get a couple more of her.
I could include one of the photos she took… a most un-flattering shot of me with my grubby knees and sweaty face!! These shots were taken on a particularly sweltering hot day in a tangle of wet park/ mosquito farm!! Of course I will NOT be including these!!
Harriet’s little sister, Imogen looked like this not that long ago… check out her amazing eyes and the best baby grin around!!
For Harriet’s 5th Birthday she got Coco the kitten…