Australian Literacy and Numeracy foundation

Have you seen any Wall of Hands posters around town?


I took these images a few months back when I visited Groote Eylandt with ALNF.

When I get hired by organisations like this I feel so very honoured.
They normally have very limited resources but are doing amazing things. I love to tell these stories and to take the photos that help communicate the work they do.
ALNF is no exception. I admire what they are doing in Indigenous communities and I am delighted to learn from, and hang out with, absolutely gorgeous kids and amazing inspiring women!!

You can see some more images and work for these guys here.

Today I wanted to share a little doco style video I did while in Groote Eylandt earlier this year.
Mostly I was hired to take photos but we also wanted to capture a little story of the work they are doing that maybe stills don’t quite communicate.

If you like the sound of the work they are doing please go and see the website Wall of Hands… and add your hands (and heart) to this project!


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