A slightly belated stocking filler

For us, no trip to Melbourne is complete without catching up with friends. And it’s hard to find friends more fun to spend time with than Neil, Renee, Jotham and Noah.

On a recent trip we decided to do a fun family Christmas photo session with them. Problem: how to do a fun Christmas shoot without resorting to Santa beards, crazy hats, flashing bowties or reindeer antlers?  Together we came up with a different solution: letting them be the gifts themselves! Renee created these very fun but wildly uncomfortable costumes for them to wear and we spent a hilarious afternoon in a park watching them falling over and trying to stand up. Hailey was laughing so hard she found it very difficult to keep them all in the frame! Of course it probably would have been nice to help them, but it was too much fun just pointing and laughing.

Hope you had a good laugh at Christmas time too! Happy New Year!

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