365 Grateful. continues….

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I was surprised last night to get an email from someone asking where I was and why was I not around when Notebook was featuring my work this week!!

Well after returning from the U.S I had a job down in NSW so was not really home. Notebook did not tell me there was going to be a little letter about the 365 grateful project!! (else I would have made sure the new site was working!! – eek!)

I haven’t seen the magazine in real life but here is the website letter from the editor. I am amazed!


In case you have found yourself at my blog after reading the Notebook letter please find more about the 365 project HERE or you can also view the WHOLE 365 GRATEFUL project here.

If you are still interested in more about my 365 grateful journey you can see my latest iPhone version on this site: http://365grateful.posterous.com/ This is a joint project with a beautiful unschooling Mama in the U.S.A.

For your chance to WIN a pack of gift cards made using images from the 365 Grateful project, leave a comment below saying what you’re grateful for! We will draw 5 winners and post them out to you on Monday the 5th July!!

There are 5 different images and on the back of each card a quote on gratefulness.


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