Ruby Who? – the book.

This project has been a long, long… long time coming. I am really proud I didn’t give up on this idea.

Sometime in 2008 I started working on a book called Ruby Who? After realizing I couldn’t draw and that I had more skills in making films, I decided to make a short film.

I was compelled to make a story that would explain to my girls how wishing for what others have makes you feel heavy and takes away your joy.
With the help of a very clever friend, Natala Stuetz we made a short film called Ruby Who? It won a few awards and did really well! In fact it still does well!!

I have always dreamt of finding a wonderful illustrator and creating the story as a book as well. Then on a shoot last year I met the wonderful Alarna Zinn. As soon as I chatted to Alarna about the book I knew she would be perfect. Her illustrations are gorgeous and she is an amazing woman who I admire very much!

Alarna has helped us create a kids book I am so very proud of! Please check out her work here.

While I might have passion and love to tell stories I seriously can’t rhyme to save myself. So to Andrew who made the words work… Who actually helps me make so many of my words work thankYOU.

Here is our promo video to announce and help spread the word about our little self published baby. If you like the look of the book or know someone who would, please help us spread the word and share this video or the website. RUBY WHO?

you can buy the book HERE!

ruby who? the book for those wishing...

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