Family photography

Lately we have had the honour of photographing heaps of lovely families!! It is wonderful to see all the love and delight between kids and their parents. I am so lucky to get to capture this for people! Will post lots of photos when we return from all the weddings and fun projects we have going over the next 2 weeks.

In the meantime just one little photo of one of my favourite families to capture… my little sister and her little man!

Georgia writes the most wonderful blog over HERE called Gregariouspeach so do go check it out!! She posts daily cuteness and often brings tears to my eyes with her writing!! 😉

Actually her parent musings can also be found featured over HERE too. Marvellous Kiddo!! A great site!!

While I am on a linking frenzy how about checking out the latest happenings over at Me&Megan. You can see some of our images in the Publicity folder over there… lots of press happening for these guys!! 😉

Ok – bye for now!! Back soon!

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