A film in Laos
Laos is beautiful, and this family I spent the morning with were just so gorgeous! The love between them and the delightful shy kids made my heart swell. Dad works away from the village to earn more money. He is only back every few months. What an amazing woman! I wanted to stay all day.
The film below is nearly 5 minutes long. It is a little slower than how I normally edit. This is because Keo is telling her own story. Please take the time to listen to her story even if just to see how important Aid work is for families like hers. You may not be able to give but maybe you can spread the word to others – both are just as important.
In much the same way as it’s our responsibility to build and lead sustainable lives for our own families, we need to support families in third world nations to be able to do the same. I love what TEAR does and their commitment to support families to be able to live sustainably. It ensures that when they have to leave and help another village, the people will have all they need to keep going well. Having now seen their work in three continents, I just find myself more and more amazed and grateful to work with them.
If you want to find out more head over to: USEFUL GIFTS