The Black family mini movie.

This was an amazing day… with an amazing rainbow, thunderstorms and then beautiful sunset… and most importantly a beautiful family. Again it is my delight to get to hang out with lovely people and their gorgeous kids. Sarah is a…

Africa. Beautiful family

It is annoying to me how much work I have here sitting on my hard drives yet to be loaded to our blog or website! Africa is one such trip that has yet to make it online and boy-oh-boy am…

Feeding my soul.

The beach was amazing the other day. So amazing. Grateful very grateful. Do you want to share what your grateful for? Hop over here and enter quick to win a Fuji Instax camera! 😉 check it out here!

Hola! Let’s be colourful!

Today I am sharing another gorgeous ‘Mama & Me’ shoot with the very beautiful Kass and her little Paloma. You can see more of this gorgeous family here and also follow their travel blog. I LOVE IT! Making me very…

let’s play.

I showed you a few photos from this session a couple of days ago… SEE HERE. I am afraid I have to post a few more!! 😉 Nothing sweeter than seeing a Mama and her little boy playing together. Hope…

Lisa and the little Luche Libre

Here is the sweetest little Mexican wrestler and his beautiful Mama. This shoot will appear in two stages as I was unable to cull down the images to a reasonable number! 😉 I am in love with fun family sessions…

Katie K and her super cute family.

Family photography is the best fun. Kids make everything very exciting and unpredictable and oh so hilarious! When a family decides to dress up and bring some extra fun outfits I get a little bit giddy with delight! Katie is…

A slightly belated stocking filler

For us, no trip to Melbourne is complete without catching up with friends. And it’s hard to find friends more fun to spend time with than Neil, Renee, Jotham and Noah. On a recent trip we decided to do a…

Summer time fun!

Can you feel summer is nearly here? So excited! Let’s all go swimming! But first you will need to buy some gorgeous swimwear from the super cool Billi Jade swimwear! I did this cute little promo video for them. Hope…

Fog and family photos…

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending a weekend filming with the beautiful Amy Gill. She is a super inspiring friend I have made through doing the 365 grateful project. Amy and I could NOT stop chatting…

Timson family – ‘Moving family portrait’

I am so delighted that the lovely Rowe Timson decided to hire me to photograph her lovely family. We have since become fast friends and our girls are having the time of their lives together. I am feeling super lucky…

3 times the fun! Brisbane family photos.

Family photos are so much FUN! Actually it might be kids!! I love how with kids you can plan all you like but really my favorite  photos come from letting go and seeing what funny and cute moments they will…